A downloadable game

Twist Chess is a chess variant meant to be played with a set that shows the directional orientation of pieces, such as the Geometric Chess Set by Gray Crawford. Pieces can be rotated to change their movement options. It is meant to be easy to learn for those familiar with standard chess, while opening up new strategies with each twist. Unleash the power of the bishook, spin your knights into bojacks, and give your pawns the freedom they deserve!

Published 29 days ago
CategoryPhysical game


Twist Chess Manual.pdf 715 kB
printable_twist_set.zip 19 kB

Install instructions

The rules may be downloaded through this page. Files to 3D print a set of pieces to play with can be downloaded here, or through Thingiverse which also offers printing on-demand: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6561794


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Hi everyone arriving here on the launch day, thingiverse has a 24 hour restriction on new accounts, so I'm aware that the bottom link is broken, and it should be available soon. For now, all of the files offered there are available via the printable_twist_set.zip file in the downloads. Thank you for checking out my game!